Totally accessible by an elevator, there are no barriers for those unable to negotiate stairs.

Our heating plant consists of a hot water over gas boiler system. It is maintained and serviced by a combination of outside contractors managed the Committee, or in some cases members of our Committee. In this case Tony Skillman is shown replacing a zone pump.

Security lighting is exclusively maintained by our members. Shown here are John Philips and Jesse James upgrading one of our parking lot floodlights with LED fixtures.

Here Pete Morgan, our sexton, prepares to tackle another routine maintenance job.

Among the many responsibilities of the Property Committee is the preparation of a new office for our Associate Rector. Here Charles Sajewski is completing patching holes and painting her office.”

Larger projects are contracted with the Property Team membership providing oversight. Shown here are the recent replacement of slate roofs over the sanctuary and Stevens Hall which houses our auditorium, and masonry restoration of the bell tower. The roof replacement was the culmination of efforts of begun by Jr. Warden, Lisa Berg, and followed to its completion by Bruce Brandenburg, current Jr. Warden.