Vestry Subcommittees
Administration / Finance
The Administration/Finance Committee is appointed by the Vestry of All Saints Church. We have the responsibility to study and investigate administrative issues and financial matters such as contracts, estimates, payroll issues, proposals, etc. Then, after our committee comes to a consensus, we make recommendations to the Vestry as to what action we think they should take.
As noted above, Two important committees report to the Administration/Finance Committee. Their description follows.
Stewardship Committee
Stewardship at All Saints’ is expressed through the committees, parishioners and volunteers who ensure the mission and ministries of our parish community. By giving of our treasure, talent, and time, we are good stewards of what we are so fortunate to have received.
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10
An annual pledge drive is held at the end of the calendar year for the following year. Parishioners are asked to give prayerful thought to a financial commitment to All Saints’. The sum of this campaign is used annually to finalize our budget, which covers our programs, ministries and operations.
Endowment Board of Trustees
The Endowment Board of Trustees consists of five members in good standing of All Saints’ Church,
appointed by the Vestry and responsible to the Vestry to manage financial gifts to be invested as
endowments. Responsibilities include monitoring investment performance and recommending the
annual distributions from the investment accounts to various All Saints’ Church accounts.
The church’s funds are invested in socially screened highly diversified portfolios with a moderate risk
profile. There is volatility in these stock and bond investments; therefore distribution rates from the
accounts are conservative. The Trustees follow the ASC endowment fund policies and guidelines revised
and approved by the Vestry in November 2017.
With faith, communication is the glue that binds a church together. Good communication informs the participants of relevant news, upcoming events, plans, resources, and opportunities. The communications committee provides the structure to facilitate good communication in a timely manner.
Broadcast Team
To make our services available for those who, for one of many reasons, are unable to come to the church, we broadcast our 8:00 and 10:30 services on Zoom, Youtube and Facebook. We have two teams of two dedicated parishioners who operate the broadcast equipment each week to bring us these services.
Our place of worship takes place in a high-arched sanctuary below which various classrooms are located. Adjoining the main structure are a gymnasium, auditorium, commercial kitchen, hospitality room, Commons meeting area, a library, book shop, and the church offices. We pride ourselves in the flexibility that this structure provides to our parishioners and our public. The Property Committee assumes the responsibilities of maintaining the building proper, infrastructure and grounds.

Mission & Ministry
Mission and Ministry is one of the five committees of the Vestry (church council) of All Saints’ along with Administration/Finance, Communications and Parish Life. The Mission and Ministry Committee functions as a liaison to the Vestry for all parish groups engaged in direct community ministry with our Pontiac neighbors.
Parish Life
Parish Life oversees committees and activities that support the church’s internal renewal by encouraging and enhancing the lives of All Saints’ members. Parish Life supports the activities of: Altar Guild; coffee hour; the Event Coordinator; Lay Eucharistic Ministers; Lay Eucharistic Visitors; parish events (pot luck; Pastoral Care; dinners/luncheons, receptions for special guests, i.e., the Bishop); Prayer Shawl Ministry; Ushers; hospitality, member welcome, Liturgy Committee, Pastoral Committee, Bereavement Committee and laying on of hands.