All Saints

Parish Life

Several of us work to send Easter and Christmas cards to the shut-ins of our parish. There is a small number of parishioners that crochet or knit the beautiful prayer shawls which are distributed to our members to provide comfort and healing during a troublesome time in their life.

As the church continues to return after the years of the Corona Virus Pandemic, Parish Life is restructuring and redeveloping many of these committees. All Saints’, like many other religious communities, has seen the loss of many vibrant and active members due to moving, aging and dying or who have mobility issues preventing them from physically attending worship on Sunday.

All of the above issues have demanded that we “recreate” and rethink how we conduct the type of “activities and support” the church provides for its members. This is a challenge, but we’re committed to meeting the challenge.

Currently we are beginning work on the following projects with Rev. Chris Humphrey as our supporting priest: All these activities are geared around fellowship, learning and exploring one’s spirituality and building personal relationships within All Saints’ and in the community. Our next meeting is Monday. Sept 12 at 1 P.M. in the Rose Neal Room. If you have an interest in our mission, please come to the meeting.

If you find any of the above “events/activities “ of interest and would like to be even a small part or contribute in some way, we welcome you to join us or call and ask for more information. We would love to get to know you better and have you know us. For information about Parish Life, feel free to contact Mary Beth Tygielski.

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